Hey Mama Monday: Abide in Love, Mama

Do you feel loved? Do you sense His love today? ALL things work together for GOOD for those who love Him. And Mama, you love Him! He has never left you, never forsaken you. It’s because He loves you, daughter of the King, so much deeper and wider than we could even love our own little ones. We are His.
He reigns. He REIGNS! And nothing can snatch us out of His hand; not even the cleverest of plans could ever thwart what He has planned (since before the foundations of the earth) for those who love Him. We belong to Him; we are His!
So, what does He have next for you? How can we know? His ways are above ours, and He is working behind the scenes for our good. When you find yourself struggling, wondering what His will is for you at this time, remember this, Mama: His will is for your sanctification. It means He’s working on growing and stretching you more each day to be like Him. He gives us the mind of Christ; what a privilege to have a Father Who desires our goodness and our growth in the Lord of lords. Read His Word; do it because it is how He speaks to us.
So, abide in His amazing, awesome love today, and be reminded of it from these articles in The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
You Are Loved! by Kendra Fletcher
Baking with Chocolate by Emily-Jane Hills Orford
Growing Grateful Hearts by Sheila Campbell
And remember, Mama. . .
Even when you ask, “What is the next step? What now?” Despite the problems, all the sordid issues, He is on the throne. Be available. I can’t say this enough because it’s true.
Know His Word, apply it rightly, and just BE available. Stand in the gap for your family. Pray for each member and make yourself accessible to each of them specifically and individually. He will take care of the rest. He won’t let you go. YOU are loved by your Heavenly Father and never forget: His hand is on your head. Our great God and Savior Jesus Christ is the greatest Love there ever was. Rest in that this week, Mama.