Hey Mama Monday: Don’t Deny Yourself a Break When You Need It

Hey Mama,
We’re past the weekend, and it’s time to nestle into the school week . . . and work hard. Work hard. Really?
You know, Mama, it’s OK to take an extended break sometimes. If Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday needs to be a day off, too, do it. Play games, spend time reading aloud, do a cooking day with the kids, go shopping at the dollar store, build Legos all day, default to a clean-up-hurricane-bedrooms day, start Christmas crafts early, or just go outdoors and get in some vitamin D if it’s sunny enough. Find and do your method of PLAY. Even if it’s weird like cleaning bedrooms. 🙂
You already DO work hard. You’re a homeschool mom! Need I say more? And your kids are smart—real smart. They are learning to work hard like you and Dad. All those little steps, even if you can’t see it now, add up to big successes. It’s working. You’re doing good!
Play hard, too. If you’re gonna stop and do it, go BIG. Have fun with the same kind of passion you give to work. Mama, did you hear? Go big!
Laugh deeply. Smile widely. Be animated and goofy. Take time to just enjoy your children and your day. It was ordained by God. Did you know that?
Don’t forget. He orders our day and lights our path. And He is not cracking the whip on you, Mama. Get some balance, already. Enjoy your FUN day with your kiddos with great gusto. In a few short years, their childhood is over. Poof – gone! They will remember the unexpected surprises. The laughing Mama. God doesn’t mind if you slow down. He created your laugh.
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. – Proverbs 16:9 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. – Psalm 139:16
Set your eyes on the Lord who loves you dearly. He has your children in His hand, too, so quit fretting. Meanwhile, dear Mama in Christ, His hand is on your head today. Love – Gena