Hey Mama Monday: You Don’t Always Have To Feel Like Ruth
Hey Mama,
You are like Ruth, faithful.
You are like Esther, courageous.
You are like Martha, a servant.
You are like Mary, a student of the Lord.
You are like Deborah, brave.
You are like Eve, fruitful.
You are a Mama and a wife. A care-taker, cook, teacher, lover, tear-wiper, heart-keeper. It’s a complex, complicated, grievous, joyful, nerve-breaking, headache-inducing, insane, crazy, precious, beautiful life. Your life.
The life God gave you. And sometimes you would like to blink and have it all go away. But then reality resurfaces, grace falls on you, and you know with all your heart that you’d never have it any other way. His gift. More precious than gold.
There will be times you don’t feel like a Ruth. Or an Esther, or a Martha, Mary, Deborah, or anyone good, gracious or saintly. But you stand with Christ, and He is your righteousness. He is the One who builds your faith. He makes you stand. It never was you; it’s all Him. So rest in that truth. Rest in His word, His true word which says He will never leave or forsake you.
Keep walking, Mama, His hand is on your head tonight.