Hey Mama Monday: Formula for the Perfect Mama

Hey Mama,
I stopped by to share a little something about a FORMULA I found for creating the perfect Mama. Did you know that the secret to happiness is following formulas? I figured you didn’t know. So here I am.
Every morning, get up and do the same thing. Never vary. If your child cries, have the same exact response to those cries. If your husband wants something different for breakfast, tell him no because you are FORMULA MAMA. The happiness is in the formulas.
OK, now wake up from that lame nightmare.
Mama, truth is, you’re already doing it right. Your kids trust your judgment because you have learned to discern their needs. Their cries come from a variety of reasons, and you have just as many motherly responses to address them. You love spontaneity with and for your husband, and he DELIGHTS in you because of your uniqueness as a wife.
You wake up some mornings recognizing that things are going to take a little turn—and you have good reasons. Your kids can relax because they are not part of a mill, an assembly line of baby-raising.
God has made you special, Mama, just as He has made your children wonderful and unique. And while there are some absolutes, you have the wisdom to discern what is important, what is frivolous, and what can be abandoned with the joy and confidence you already have because HE has called you to this beautiful thing called MAMA-HOOD.
Play today, Mama. Relax and take it easy. Your kids are with you . . . which means they’ll be just fine. Now there’s a formula: hug them, love them, discipline them, play with them, teach them God’s word, live by example, smile broadly like a wild caveman with that crazy hair of yours. It’s working. Your kids trust their Mama. Keep up the great way of life.