Hey Mama Monday: God Sees All of Your Hard Work

Hey Mama,
I love pointing other Mamas to the Lord and encouraging you all because you are carrying the next generation. You are in the trenches, day after day, serving your family and ultimately serving the Lord. I know it is TIRING and can get monotonous and also dark at times. I have gone through some dark times. And when my heart and spirit are low, I can only think of One to run to, the One who holds the key to my salvation. The One who loves my heart and holds my head in His hands. The One who will never leave or forsake me.
Mama, you are doing the same things today that you did yesterday and the day before. Tirelessly you serve, and you do it sometimes (always?) without any fanfare or praise. But Mama, your Father notices it all. And believe it or not, as you faithfully walk this road, your day is coming. Proverbs 31 says that your children will rise up and call you blessed. They are watching you, and while you are not perfect—nor do you claim to be—God is working on their hearts, too. Those kids see your loving hands (hands that will never leave them), and this will culminate in FRUIT they cannot deny later. Right now, they are little monkeys who are so clueless about what is around them. But that’s OK. Ultimately, it is the Lord who will show them anyway. You are called to just walk with them, speak the truth plainly, LOVE THEM, and teach them to read God’s word so they have those seeds planted for later. God waters it.
And God waters you, too, Mama. Even now, He is working good in you, and as you serve your family, He will continue to show you more about Him. Endure, Mama. Continue on. This life is actually going somewhere. JOY is coming.