Hey Mama Monday: The Holy Spirit as a Companion to Guide You

Hey, Mama,
It is so important to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you as you teach your children and raise your family.
“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:25. If we, like the wise man, build our houses on Jesus Christ, our rock and foundation, we will be able to stand strong during life’s storms.
Give up the idea of a perfect curriculum, and allow the Spirit to lead you.
God has not given us a spirit of fear; He promises the peaceful guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we do–and especially homeschooling.
Our kids are always learning. But so are we, as moms. It’s amazing how much the Lord will show us when we ask Him for wisdom. When we stay in His Word and apply it, when we keep our eyes on Him even during the storms, He’s molding us and changing us. Sometimes the deeper the pain and the more difficult the whirlwinds and downpours (which seem to come all at once), the more like Him He makes us… which is the desire. Lord, make me more like You. Whatever it takes, Lord, make me as close to You as You will have me. My gaze is perfectly fixed on Your face.
Our children are watching. We’re not perfect. They see the storms and our reactions. They see you, Mama. Get back up and start again. They see you glorify His name, no matter the problem.
And do you want to know what the Lord sees that we do not (yet)? He sees the big picture. He sees the reason behind what feels like sheer madness. He sees the reward which comes after the injustices. He sees the growth amidst the pain, and He sees the light around the next corner. Things can change on a dime … and often do. You’ve seen it. You know.
So keep walking, Mama. Model Christ to everyone God has sovereignly placed in your path. This is not a stage or a “theatrical” setting; it is just a testing time. It’s short. It’s a blink, as a friend reminded me today. Just over the horizon is the forever place and forever life. God sees it all from beginning to end. And Mama, your end is GOOD.