Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Are You Teaching A Special Learner?

We have written an abundance of articles about special learners over the years through The Homeschool Minute™ email and through The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Here is just one article of many titled “Ten Reasons to Homeschool Your Child With Special Needs.”
Rather than talking about these special, struggling, and different learners, I want to talk about their special, struggling, and different teachers. I have found in teaching my special learners that I need special grace. Some days, I struggle more than they do. Some days, I am overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy for the task–to the point that my inadequacies seem even larger than theirs. I struggle with having to meet so many different needs and feel that maybe my needs and theirs are just not being met. I believe that someone else could certainly do a better job teaching these children. I think that perhaps I wasn’t cut out for this special job after all.
What helps me keep these discouraging thoughts at bay and answer these questions is to ask a few more. Is my God good? If so, is everything He’s placed in my life good or for my good? Does He love me? Is everything He has given me out of His love for me? Has God shown me mercy and grace? Does He give me enough mercy and grace to overflow and share with others? All a resounding yes and Amen!
So, what is keeping back His goodness, love, and grace from flowing through me? When my focus is on my own resources, I find that I have nothing to offer and I become discouraged. When I shift my focus and see the abundance of God’s provision, I find rest.
As I humble myself and realize my needs are fulfilled in Christ alone, I am able to rise and serve those He’s placed in my life–with His resources, not mine. I just need to stay low and let His grace flow. The answer is abiding in Him. I have no goodness, no love, and no grace to offer anyone. But as I stay in the flow of God’s grace and mercy, He bears fruit in me, even enough to share with all those around me.
His grace, His free and unmerited favor is what He pours out on this struggling, special, and different teacher. It’s the treasure we have to offer our struggling learners as we keep them Home Where They Belong.
“In the house of the righteous there is much treasure.” Proverbs 15:6