Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Where’s the Wonder?

Hey Mama,
Be careful. It’s the time of year when the wonder of the season is lost in the chaos of the moment. Hold on to the wonder. . . hold it fast . . . and hold on to the One this season is all about—JESUS! It’s His day. It’s His time. It’s His moment, if you’ll let it be.
You had a good week. You didn’t get it all done. But no one did. Believe me. No one got it ALL done. So, stop lamenting and have fun instead. Your kids need to see you smile. They need to see you being carefree.
Remember when you got married? THAT girl needs to come out. She was so lighthearted . . . remember? She’s the one your kids want to know . . . and your husband wants to cuddle (on the couch, by a roaring fire, candy canes and hot cocoa in hand). Bring her to Christmas this year—that’s an order!
Try these ideas from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine to bring back the wonder to your Christmas:
Preparing for Christmas: Eight Steps for a Peaceful Christmas
And remember Mama. . .
Smile. Laugh. Play.
You CAN because you are known to be a hard worker. You are known as the Mama who handles it all. You are the hostess with the most-est. The cook who pleases a crowd at the drop of a hat. The social butterfly whose kids are rarely bored. The committed MAMA. You already wear that hat. OK? So, it’s settled. You deserve a break.
Take it. And remember, ten years from now it won’t matter. Well, it might. Because today if you make some fun memories with the kids—something spontaneous, something upbeat—they’re going to remember.
They won’t remember today’s math or the cupboards and counter cleaning project. Those can shine anytime. TODAY, you and the kids shine. GO PLAY.
The Lord is with you; He is not standing over you with a homeschool whip in hand. He’s just not. He made this beautiful world for YOU. Go explore it, and have a good time with the kids.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!