Hey Mama Monday: Mama, You Can Homeschool On a Budget

Hey, Mama,
With seven kids, although some of them have graduated, money can be tight for everything — not just homeschooling.
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be expensive. With the internet, the library, the support of other homeschool families, and the use of creative budgeting, you can homeschool inexpensively. Take a look at some advice from the magazine:
ABCya: A Great Library of Educational Games – Andy Harris
Creating a Free Curriculum Using the Public Library-Part 1: Language Arts – Dr. Mary Hood
Teaching Children How to use the Library- Part 2 – Dr. Mary Hood
Using the Library to Create Your Own Curriculum-Part 3: Science & Social Studies – Dr. Mary Hood
Homeschool on a Budget – Joy Kita
Enrichment Activities on a Shoestring Budget – Molly Green
Now for some encouragement …
It’s easy to get overwhelmed these days, especially with all the news about politics and our economy out there. We know that during the days leading up to Christ coming back, there will be a great falling away as well as trials upon trials. It’s going to come down to a real testing of our faith; will we endure to the end? Are we His? Are we teaching our children to endure in Him, always, as well? How do we do this? Get God’s word into their hearts. Learn His word too, Mama. You need to know what the King of the universe has to say, and it’s all found right in His word. Endeavor to know it because by doing so you will hear His voice and not be deceived.
But for tonight …
Do not be burdened; do not be overwhelmed. None of what’s going on in the world comes as a surprise to the Lord. He has everything under control. And He is the God of your children; He will not forsake your family. So, whether it’s scary news reports, rebellious children, friends who are grievous in actions, difficulties with jobs or finances, a home about to foreclose, a sadness that will not lift, He is with you, Mama. His hand is on your head tonight. Joy is in the morning.
Psalm 52:8
But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever. Amen, Mama?
~ gena
Amen, Gena. Thank you.
Thank you Ms Gena for such an encouraging words. Homeschooling for the firstime seems overwhelming for me. But Jesus got me at my back and I felt the load becomes lighter. Thank you!