Hey Mama Monday: More Amazing Than You Think You Are

Hey Mama,
I heard something about you. Pretty incredible.
You have gone through storm after storm. Trial after trial. Pain after pain.
But in the midst of it, you continue to bless others. You not only do the “bare minimum” with your kids (keeping them healthy, secure, educated, fed, and happy) but you do so much more, in spite of the inward tears and soulful mourning. You have heart talks with them. You make sure that each one feels touched in some way by you, noticed, encouraged.
Sometimes you think, “I’m a phony. Here I smile at my kids and act like all is well, when it’s really the opposite.” Mama, you’re no phony. You’re wise. We are called to find joy even amidst the trials. We are called to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel, of our Lord Jesus. Our kids’ lives and our relationships with them must go on even if we are falling apart on the inside. We can set aside the pain, lock it away for a while, and just focus on the ones who need us. This is part of the trial. This is the test you are PASSING, Mama.
Just know, this is not forever. The quiet tears will subside. The rush of hurt will be no more. The dull, monotonous heartache will turn to rejoicing. You will see His hand just like you always have. Get through this time because it IS just a season; there is a purpose, and no matter what happens, He is on the throne. He reigns! And He will deliver you. Sin cannot prevail; God will not be mocked. God wins. You win.
Mama, you amazing Mama, you. I know you are aware of Who it really is. You don’t even take this as a credit to yourself because you know the Author of your very faith, the Maker of your very breath. He makes that heart beat inside you, and He will make it smile again, too. The Master of your heart LOVES your heart. To God be all the glory. May we be like Him. Keep walking, Mama. Joy comes in the morning.