Hey Mama Monday: Open Everyday With Thanksgiving, Mama

Hey Mama,
Will you have a houseful of guests for Thanksgiving, or will you be traveling? Whatever your plans, Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to thank the Lord for all He has done for us, to just enjoy being together with family, and to take a break and fill the house with the yummy smells of home-cooked treats!
And remember …
Just a quick reminder. It’s so important to open every day up with thanksgiving–not just on Thanksgiving Day–and give praise to the King of kings. It’s because of Him that we even woke up this morning. It’s through Him that we find our joy, gain wisdom, and live our lives to bring Him glory.
No conflict is too difficult, no circumstance too great, no web too tightly woven to start off your day worshiping the Lord Jesus. Put it all aside. The stresses, the sadness, the busy-ness, the problems, the bustling plans–just for a moment. Are they really bigger than He is? Should they take priority? Not at all. HE is our first priority. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and praise, even now. Eyes up.
Eyes up, Mama.
~ gena