Hey Mama Monday: Rest in His Love and Care, Mama

Hey Mama,
Christmas is almost here—can you believe it? And then it will be over. And then . . . life resumes. We’ll start prepping and rushing all over again, knowing us. But don’t fret over that today, Mama. Today, *this day,* focus on spending the next five days with your littles, your love, and your God. It’s His season after all. Sometimes we get so busy we forget that. Without Him, we wouldn’t have CHRISTmas—but, oh, I’m so glad we do!
So, have yourself a very merry little Christmas (in Him and through Him) and take heart as you read these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
And remember, Mama . . .
With it being only a few more days to Christmas, I hope you’re taking things (deliberately) slow. Don’t rush around and about, even though you feel like you need to. Perspective—we’re so thankful to the Lord, our Savior! Perspective, Mama—He has done so much for us! LIFE. He is the Life Giver for all eternity. What a gift! Christmas has such meaning to the one who is IN Christ. That’s the most important Gift we can share with our children. Keep the perspective.
I know it’s crazy busy right now. I know the house has to get cleaned up, the food prepped, and the gifts wrapped. I know the kids are going in the opposite direction half the time (grin). Your Lord also knows, and He is right beside you. He is the Author of your story, the One who lovingly placed you on this very path to begin with. It’s His work. And He’s faithful to complete it! It’s HIS story, too. Not just yours.
He’s very invested, Mama, in your family, in your life. He’s the Builder. So slow down and acknowledge His presence. Thank Him for what He has done for you—personally. Glorify God who is the beginning and the end of all things—especially this season. And remember—there IS no end! Life eternal is yours, for those who are in Him. Be IN Him today! Abba Father loves you.
Also, some of you are struggling terribly. I am stunned at the amount of pain that I continually see from moms. If you are one of these precious Mamas, then it’s even more important that you slow down. Rest. Enjoy this upcoming holiday along with your family. Take the time to look around and praise Him for what He’s done so far.
You are already a good servant and an excellent Mama to your children. And nothing will ever convince you to cease striving—you love your family too much. You’re staying on the path, good or not-so-good. You’re faithful. And He sees.
Mama, take some time to rest in His love and care for you today and in the coming days. You have a Parent, too. He loves you even more than you love your own children. Imagine that deep love . . . it’s enough to make anyone merry. 🙂
And Merry Christmas from all of us at TOS! May His hand ever be on your head.
Thank you.