Hey Mama Monday: Take the Stress Out of Christmas, Mama

Hey Mama,
Are you trying to take the stress out of Christmas? What do you think of this idea? Ditch the school plans you made and be SPONTANEOUS. Take the kids and go do something or stick around the house and talk all day. Cook a meal with them (assign each child a task) to surprise Dad with tonight or bake some holiday cookies. Spend some hours on a trip into town or sledding at a park if the weather permits. The school work will always be there, and believe me, it’s not going to ruin your child to miss out on a few chapters of whatever today. But they’ll remember “Spontaneous Mama” forever.
Take a walk on the wild side today and throughout the holidays, Mama. Ditch the plans and surprise the kids with something totally out of the blue. And don’t just reserve being spontaneous for the holidays–surprise those kids throughout the year by putting away the books and doing something different.
You awesome Mama, you. You’re just the best. And your kids know it even though they don’t say it enough. Don’t worry; they will someday.
~ gena