Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Do You Need Rest?

Hey Mama,
I heard you were feeling under the weather. Being sick is such a drain not only on the body, but emotionally, too. Things that normally take very little effort seem monumental. Tasks that should be done in an hour take three. Kids become burdensome; joy is hard to muster.
It’s temporary, Mama. It will pass. Use this time to rest and prioritize. What’s really important? The house getting cleaned up or your daughter’s feelings when she wants to chat but you’re too tired? All the emails answered in a timely manner or your son’s need to be heard? The grocery shopping done NOW or time to sit with your husband and just focus on him?
Rest, Mama. Healing takes time, and God already knew this was going to happen. He is on the throne, and He has not forgotten you. In fact, His heart is turned towards you. Think about when your little one is sick or hurting; do you not bend with compassion for them? How do you think your Father looks at you, his little one?
So knowing this, knowing that He ordained this and orders your day anyway, walk in peace. Rest in Him. Love your family. Forget the stuff that’s going to burn anyway. Walk, Mama. But first sit down and rest.
John 14:27 speaks of peace. Christ gives us peace, not the kind the world has to offer, but something far better, much stronger. Did you know His ways are higher than ours? We think we see everything that is before us, but He knows what is around the next corner. If only you could see around that corner, if only you could see what He can.
The good news is He sees. Not only does He see, but He gives us peace because He cares, a peace the world can’t even understand.
Don’t focus on what’s heavy right now, Mama. Set your eyes on Christ, His perfect peace, and KNOW in your heart (because it’s true) that He works all things for good for those who love Him. Your “around the next corner” is coming. Just wait . . . He will right everything. He will right it all.
“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27