High School Help for Transcripts, Credits, and Graduation, Mama

Hey Mama,
Homeschooling high school is like homeschooling children of any age—you need to rely on the Lord to get you and your children through it all. With lots of prayer, guidance from the Lord, and support from family and friends, your children can earn the credits needed. You can create a transcript, and together you can plan a meaningful graduation.
Check out the magazine for some tips:
High School Transcripts: A Simple Check List for Home-Educating Parents
The High School Transcript: It’s Easier Than You Think
Creating Excellent High School Transcripts
Practical Tips for Creating a Memorable and Affordable High School Graduation
And Mama, as you ponder your homeschool journey, read Luke 8 today with your children. The parables are fascinating. Pray for understanding; ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you more than ever. One question Jesus asked His disciples when they were afraid and in a panic for their very lives was, “Where is your faith?”
It’s a legitimate question.
Mama, over and over He has provided. He has defended. He has listened to your tearful prayers. He has walked this road with you all the way, never forsaking . . . never leaving you. Why do you need more proof He will take care of the current issues? Stop looking for a sign. He provides constantly! You know He loves you. You know He loves your children. You know He has called you to this “parenting thing.” You would die for your children; you would give them everything. You DO give them everything. He sees. He knows.
He has given us His word. We have all that we need for instruction, for how to live, for how to respond to our most difficult trials. Our children are watching us. Are we perfect? Will we do everything right? No, of course not. But we can strive. We can endure; we are CALLED to endure, Mama. Our children can witness our struggle to always do what’s right in His eyes. And they will learn; they will see what we do. Their very faith is being built right now, and praise the Lord, He has given YOU to them for such a time as this.
Mama, where is your faith? Look to the Author of Salvation and the Builder of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ. Rest in Him today.