10 Rainy Day Activities for Homeschooling Families

Spring often brings those April showers that bring the beautiful May flowers. When the day is rainy, making nature study and playing outside out of the question, it’s time to have fun inside.
Here are 10 homeschooling activities for rainy days.
Put Together a Floor Puzzle
These are fun anytime. I love to do map puzzles with the kids. Our last puzzle was a 4’x 4’ map of the USA. The kids loved it! Be sure to take photos when it’s finished.
Painting is always fun! Whether it’s watercolors, fingerpaint, or a paint-by-number set, everyone in the family can create a masterpiece.
Spin the Globe
Someone spins your family globe and without looking reaches out to touch a spot on the globe. What country is it? If it’s an ocean or sea, what is the closest country to the finger?
Now it’s time to research the country a little, especially all about the food. Eat food from your chosen country. Or make a dish or meal from your chosen country.
Exercise to an Online Video
We find YouTube exercise videos just for kids. They are super-easy and fun! And they sure get out the wiggles! Often, we end up doing 3 or 4 different videos because we are enjoying the workouts so much.
Inside Scavenger Hunt
Give each child their own list (for youngers the list can just be pictures). As children find the object, they can collect them, write the location on the paper, or just check off the list.
Here are some things to search for.
- Dictionary
- Spatula
- Beach towel
- Cookbook
- Screwdriver
- Family photo
- TV remote
- Flashlight
- Tea bag
- Lotion
- Rug
- Pillow
- Hairbrush
- Dental floss
- Stuffed animal
Closet Contest
Tour each person’s closet. Then set a timer for 20 minutes. Everyone has 20 minutes to straighten their closets as fast as they can before the timer goes off. The winner is the one with the tidiest closet.
Play Improv Games
Improv games are silly and fun. The game Freeze is an easy one for young children. Two people start acting out something (like changing a tire, making cookies, or building a birdhouse). Someone who isn’t playing has to yell “FREEZE!” The two actors stop moving as soon as they hear it and stay still. The “FREEZE” yeller taps one of the actors who leaves, and he takes their place in the exact position the actor was in. He resumes the action with a completely new scenario.
Act It Out
Read aloud a chapter from a favorite book. Then it’s time to dress up and act out the chapter. This is super-fun!
Play a Board Game
Almost every board game teaches math or logical thinking skills. Choose a game that everyone in the family can enjoy.
For board game ideas, read my post “Games the Whole Family Will Love” here: https://www.powerlineprod.com/games-the-whole-family-will-love/.
Pass the Story
Sit in a circle. One person starts a story stopping at an exciting part. The person next to the storyteller takes over and on and on until the story is finished. It’s fun to see how many different directions your family story goes.
Have fun trying out some of these rainy-day activities, and when the rain stops, don’t forget to look for a rainbow.
Bonus Rainy Day Activity
Bonus Family Fun Idea
Create a Family Time Capsule: https://www.powerlineprod.com/create-a-family-time-capsule/
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling.
Meredith Curtis
Meredith Curtis, homeschooling mom, writer, speaker, and publisher, loves to encourage families in their homeschooling adventure. She is the author of Travel God’s World Geography, Travel God’s World Cookbook, and HIS Story of the 20th Century. You can check out her books, curricula, unit studies, and Bible studies at PowerlineProd.com. Read her blogs at PowerlineProd.com and listen to her at Finish Well Podcast.