3 Ways to Make Lasting Homeschool Memories

As the holiday season approaches, it’s easy to focus on all the things we “need” to accomplish as homeschool parents. The important thing we feel the need to do is often the least important.
Packing, traveling, cooking, etc. can easily replace our calling and focus in our homes.
Establishing our priorities makes our children aware that we prioritize family time. Our children sense the things we consider important, and the holiday season is the perfect time to show them just how much.
Be Flexible
While I love planning my days, I also realize that flexibility is essential during the child-rearing years. If you’re training “little ones,” allow yourself grace. It makes all the difference.
Plan bite-sized portions that give younger children engaging activities and go from there. Imagine enjoyable activities when you’re not stressed about getting it done or obsessing over doing it “right.”
Let Them Be Children
In her book For the Children’s Sake, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay writes:
“There should be space and lots of free time. Children need to be outdoors (for hours). They need to make noise, mess, and to have access to raw materials (old clothes for costumes, hats, tables into camps, etc.).”
Children have the ability and desire to play and create from their imaginations. We can foster their creativity in many ways:
- Take a nature walk with them and listen as they point out various parts of God’s creation.
- Give them worn-out clothing or kitchen utensils to play with.
- Read their favorite books over and over again.
- Take an interest and encourage them to put on plays for you.
- And so much more…
In moments that we allow their world to connect with ours and make lasting memories.
Ignore the Messes
Ignore the messes. Yikes! Is that even possible? Absolutely. We intentionally make messes in our home (yes, we clean them up).
Why Make A Mess?
I confess that we went two years in our homeschool without actively making messes. I thought that was a great thing. Close your eyes and picture spreading out an old tablecloth and letting your children swirl fingerpaint, shaving cream, and all other forms of mixed media art to produce fascinating creations. Does that make you cringe with horror? Don’t worry! I also take time to train them to clean up when they’re done. 🙂
Children Can Learn about Creation
We were made by the ultimate Creator. Our children can discover God’s divine creation and who He is through their creative play. Plan for new and spacious ways to encourage their creative genius. Don’t worry about making it elaborate. They’ll simply remember having fun.
You Can Make Lasting Memories
They look forward to our messy activities, and they’ll remember them long after they leave our home. This holiday season is a great time to connect and make lasting homeschool memories with your children.
How do you make lasting memories with your children?
Danielle is a former classroom teacher turned “work-from-home” and homeschooling mother of two. She now spends her days teaching her children, reading numerous books, and sharing her gifts with others. She blogs about her adventures at DanielleHope.com.