30 Years From Now

Thirty years from now you will probably be looking at what is being built upon the foundation you are forming now. That can be both a sobering and exciting thought, (for me anyhow.) Often an in the middle of the night thought.
Many of us are sliding into home plate as far as school is concerned. Soon, if not already, we will be focused on next year’s school, so now might be a good time for reflection.
There are thoughts about making memories and starting or preserving traditions. What is most important to you and your family? What worked and didn’t work last year. It seems like, sometimes, we get caught up in doing things we don’t want to do, and we don’t know why. At times, it feels as if there’s this prevailing thought system that everybody just knows is, “the way it should be.”
I think the idea of homeschooling itself used to be that way. I feel like things have changed in that regard. So many people have listened to their true voice and achieved incredible success. Additionally, many others realize the viability of freedom to choose the best for their family in many situations. I think the point I’m trying to make is this. There is not a “one-size fits all” program here.
Let’s take some time to think about “why” or “what” is motivating us in the things we are doing. Maybe to some children finding the next cool rock is as thrilling as being on the baseball team. Can we say, “archeologist,” perhaps?
Or maybe you have a child that has a deep love for animals and yearns to care for them. This child could be the next town veterinarian.
Looking back now, with my oldest children being teens, some of the fondest and funniest memories are the seemingly simple ones.
What are you going to remember in thirty years? What will they remember in thirty years? What will make the most difference in thirty years? What will you wish you had done? What will you wish you had all done? While we don’t know exactly the answer to these and many other questions, many of us have a pretty good idea.
Another note, because I didn’t intend for this to be a discouraging article, I don’t think it’s necessary or terribly productive to spend a great deal of time on this thought. A brief reckoning with one’s genuine thoughts should be plenty adequate to calibrate your optimum path! A lot of this is about realizing what matters most to you and trusting yourself to do it. You can; you were made for this job!
Sonya Payne is a blessed, happy, homeschooling momma of four! Her school theme has always been, “that they learn to love learning!” Sonya is excited to be a part of The Schoolhouse Writers team and is currently pursuing publishing and licensing. She is passionate about art and writing which has been passed onto her children. When not writing and creating art she loves ranching and exploring nature with her family in their mountain home.