4 Things to Consider When Choosing Homeschool Curriculum

It’s that time of year again when you lay out your spreadsheets, planners. and deep dive into your search for the best homeschool curriculum for your children. This can turn into a stressful time in your home. With so many choices, how can you choose the right one for everyone? Well, take a deep breath and let’s look at 4 things to consider when you’re choosing a homeschool curriculum.
Consider Their Frame
Here is the best encouragement I can offer you when choosing curriculum. There is no perfect choice. When it comes to selecting a complete option for your children, a “one size fits all” may not exist for your family. That’s okay! Consider the frame of your children.
- Age and attention span
- Special needs or learning disabilities
- Your methods and practices for your family
- Subject areas of struggle
These are just a few areas to keep in mind when you’re considering the frame of your children. It’s perfectly fine to choose subjects from different publishers. Feel free to even create some of your own material for certain subjects. You want your children to enjoy what they’re learning and you want to enjoy it too.
Control the Schedule
Finding more freedom is one reason we homeschool, right? Keep that in mind when you’re choosing curriculum for the school year. Most have a suggested schedule already laid out for you. This is so helpful! However, keep in the mind that this is “suggested.” The schedule is not your master so find freedom in altering it according to your needs.
Change Brings Freedom
Do you ever get frustrated in homeschooling? I know I’ve had some of those days. Some days turn into seasons and we get focused more on frustrations than enjoyments in homeschooling. Sometimes, the issue is the curriculum. Not every curriculum will work for every student or even for you as the teacher. It’s perfectly fine to change your curriculum if it’s not working. Remember, you as the teacher have the freedom to find what works for everyone.
Cultivate Some Community
Homeschooling is a lonely road when you’re going it alone. Camaraderie is essential in homeschooling to share in the joys and struggles of homeschooling. You can often find some wise families who have some insight into choosing curriculum for different student needs. Do you live around other homeschoolers? Perhaps you’re just beginning your journey and have so many questions.
I encourage you to schedule times to gather and share your journeys together.
Engaging in online communities also provides encouragement if you don’t have other homeschoolers nearby. Having a community helps encourage you in this journey.
What do you look for in the curriculum for your homeschool?
Danielle is a former classroom teacher turned “work-from-home” and homeschooling mother of two. She now spends her days teaching her children, reading numerous books, and sharing her gifts with others. She blogs about her adventures at DanielleHope.com.