A Colorful Education

Do you want your children to remember what they’ve learned? If you said yes, then be sure to make their education colorful—incorporate loads of fun and laughter. The Bedbug Bible Gang is a video series for students in preschool through elementary school that teaches the stories from the Bible in a fun way. From Amazing Animals to Wonderful Weddings, the Bedbug Bible Gang takes us on 75 Bible adventures in 25 episodes. Each episode is approximately 23 minutes long and includes fabulous songs to sing, games to play, 3-D computer animation with illustrations, and live-action puppets. In All About Art, Kiana Thompson introduces children in 1st-3rd grade to the basics of color in art and significant types of art including the color wheel, still lifes, abstract, landscapes, and self-portraits. This six-week course includes a fun art activity for students to experiment with what they have learned. You might even find you have the next Michelangelo or da Vinci living in your own home!
Tammie Bairen
Editor, SchoolhouseTeachers.com
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine