A Game a Day Keeps the Boredom Away

We have a wonderful opportunity as homeschooling parents to make education exciting! This is true for all grades, even the littlest learners in your family. Here are two classes for preschoolers and early elementary students that prove learning math, phonics, and history can be a lot of fun.
Everyday Games with Teresa Evans is a fun and interesting way to teach math and phonics. These daily printable board games are so much fun students won’t even realize they’re learning. The reading games practice skills, such as consonant blends, suffixes, prefixes, compound words, and more. Hundreds of games are available, and new games post each weekday. ABC with ME is a printable series for preschoolers and kindergarteners who are just starting to learn their letters that includes poems, informative lessons, fun activities, and a recommended reading list. Each letter of the alphabet stands for an item or person that fits with the theme. For example, the first theme is history; A is for Abraham Lincoln, and Z is for Zachary Taylor.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC