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The Familyman
Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries
Okay, here are my back-to-school thoughts for Kickoff 2013:
- Remember what matters: relationships always come first. If your kids are crying, take it as a sign from God that the relationship is out of whack. If you have to get less “school” done in order to keep the relationship “good” . . . do so.
- Do what you believe. If you don’t believe it’s important to teach your children sentence diagramming, political science, or critical whatever stuff, then don’t do it. If you think it’s important to teach your children how to balance a checkbook, walk with God, or blow bubbles in their pudding, then teach them. Do what you believe no matter what you might “FEEL” from outside sources.
- Find a friend who homeschools for the same reasons you do and stick to them like glue.
- Be real with that friend you found. Be real . . . honest, transparent, AND allow them to do so with you without judgment.
- Get your husband involved. To do that, whenever he involves himself in anyway, LET HIM. Don’t correct, criticize, or ask for more. Just let him do it the way he wants and then thank him.
- Get my books, “Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe” and “How to be a Great Wife Even though You Homeschool.” They were written to be used individually AND with a GROUP (discussion questions). We sell them dirt cheap for group orders. Get your homeschool group to do it soon.
Be real . . . I already said that,
54 Scripture Songs in One Album!
Need help with Bible Memory? Listen, learn, and worship as the Leibee famly [11 children from 3 continents] sing SCRIPTURE SONGS. Our second Album has 18 more with FAMILY FAVORITES. Buy either cd or download either album $13.00 ea. ALL sales benefit missionaries.
Be encouraged, enlightened, and
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2013 Annual Print Book
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This is a magazine you’ll refer to again and again.