A Reading Assignment for Moms

As your kids are busy finding answers in their homeschool studies, you might have questions of your own. “How do other homeschoolers fit everything in? Are they stressed out already like I am with a brand new school year just underway? How do other moms balance all of the responsibilities and expectations?” We’ve collected the thoughts of quite a few homeschooling parents, writers, and leaders who have shared their experiences and ideas through the recently-released fall edition of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. Think of the article authors as friends (you just haven’t met yet), cheering you on as you homeschool. They write from experience—which they may have earned the hard way. They write from expertise and want to share their knowledge with other homeschool parents. They write because they know homeschooling is a wonderful family lifestyle, and they want you to experience it too. You can relax as you tap into their knowledge in our latest issue. The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is your reading assignment this fall, Mama. Make sure to take time to fill your own cup so you can overflow and bless your family.
The theme of stress-free homeschooling gets a lot of attention in this fall’s issue. Danielle Poorman’s article includes a reminder that rest is essential. Catch more of her thoughts in “Homeschooling without Stress: Is It Possible?” Amanda Zepp strives to help parents feel confident in their educational choices while also making it fun for both the child and parent. Amanda’s article is called “Want a Relaxed Homeschool? Focus on These Four Things.” Dianne Craft is a frequent contributor to our pages. Diane says when children “are gently led to the right answers, they begin to relax, enjoy learning, and become confident in their ability to learn.” Find more of her expertise here in “Stress-Free Learning.” Joan Pruden shares “Stress-Free Homeschooling.”
A unique way to put homeschool stress in perspective is to hear directly from homeschool graduates. Reading their stories and knowing other families successfully homeschooled just might put the prize in view for you. One recent graduate, Hope Wuehler, shares “How Homeschooling Has Benefited My Life.” You’ll notice a few other authors, like Barbori Garnet, mention “homeschool grad” in their bios. She’s a published author, too. She shares an intriguing topic: “Virtual Work at Home: A Great Option and Solution for Moms, Families, and the Home.”
Are the upcoming holidays on your mind already? A little planning now might help you enjoy the holidays fully this year. Start cooking with Julie Lavender’s “Eliminate the Stress and Be Blessed—Freezer Meals for the Holidays” or Marcia Washburn’s “Stress-Free Holiday Cooking.” Our Resource Guide: Gifts for Christmas—Toys That Teach just might help you find worthwhile gifts to wrap up for your favorite homeschoolers.
How to raise a reader is a theme you can investigate thoroughly in our fall issue. Look at all of these inspiring articles that will ensure that pages keep turning at your house.
- “Tips for Raising a Reader” by Brigitte Brulz
- “Book Clubs Instead of Book Reports” by Meredith Curtis
- “Creative Writing Roundup” by Stephanie Morrison
- “16 Ways to Love Literature: Book Projects that Spark Interest and Creativity” by Dawn Burnette
- “The Lasting Benefits of Loving Literature” by Alyssa Hemmer
What about raising writers? Here’s good news according to Courtenay Burden (another homeschool grad) in her article “Do Writers Like to Write?”: “Your anti-writing student has the potential to develop into a passionate writer.” Dr. Wanda Phillips of Easy Grammar Systems® contributed “Easy Ideas to Improve Your Child’s Grammar and Writing Ability.”
Looking for ways to keep the wonder in science? Jeannie Fulbright can help in “Unit Studies and Science!” You may recognize her as the author of Apologia’s elementary science and many other books and curricula for homeschoolers. Karen Robuck has neat ideas not to be missed, too, in “Science Unit Studies Using Literature.”
Have you ever thought of using genealogy to teach history? Jill Wunder tells how she incorporated genealogy in “American and Ancestral History.” She achieved her goal of ensuring her son loves history now—both that of his country and of his family. Erika Hoffman has ideas on using genealogy to teach as well, and she shares them in “Who’s Your Daddy, and Your Daddy’s Daddy, and His Daddy, and So On?”
Want to change things up by adding in personal finance? Alex Brulz, a homeschooled teen, wrote “Fun Ideas for Teaching Personal Finance.” She’s already full of wisdom and says, “As Christians, life isn’t about how much money we have. It’s about glorifying God with what He has given us and stewarding His resources wisely.” Emmanuel Modu is the co-creator of an online teen investing course. Find his article here: “Stock Investing for Your Teen.”
Many, many more words of encouragement within other articles are waiting for you throughout the fall issue. We hope they deliver just what you need at just the right time. Here are two more pieces not to miss: “Embrace the Juggling Act of Your Mom-Life” by Stephanie Morrison and “Things I Wish People Had Told Me about Homeschooling” by Katherine Tanyu.Did you know there are a couple of familiar faces greeting readers in every issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine? One is senior editor Deborah Wuehler. She shares her wisdom this autumn with “Falling or Failing in the New School Year?” and “Home Education: Instruction or Influence?” Publisher Gena Suarez blesses readers in every issue with her always-uplifting “Hey, Mama” column. Together with the rest of the staff of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, they’ll keep the encouragement coming your way. And, of course, expect more homeschool inspiration from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine in December’s winter issue—and beyond.