A Shower of May Flower Craft Ideas

It’s time for May showers and May flower crafts!
Arts and crafts are a great way to bond with your child and have fun at the same time.
There are also a lot of positive benefits for your child’s memory, problem solving skills, and fine motor skills.
The most difficult part of making your arts and crafts time reality is finding the project for your homeschool.
Here are some great ideas to get you started.
Dried Flowers
Dried flowers can be a versatile option. You would first have to pick some flowers. Then the easiest way to dry them would be air drying them. This will take about two or three weeks.
After they have dried, you can arrange them in a vase, weave them into a wreath or flower crown, and create other mini art pieces!
Parts of a Flower Craft
Let’s get creative while being educational!
A great craft for this is the Parts of a Flower craft, using cupcake liners, sunflower seeds, and shredded paper for the roots.
After your homeschooler has created their masterpiece, help them label the flower, seeds, leaves, stem, and roots.
Flower Cross
Are you in need of some floral decor?

This May flower craft can help you add a floral pop to your home or classroom!
You will need to purchase or create a floral garden cross-shaped metal wreath. These can be found in the arts and craft section of various stores or a craft supply store, just to be safe.
Then you can wrap the frame in whatever you desire, either the dried flowers from the first craft or faux flowers from the store. You can tie them to the frame with string or pipe cleaners.
Fun Ways to Repurpose Flower Bouquets
You can preserve your bouquet forever by pressing the flowers in a heavy book.
Place a sheet of wax paper in the middle of the box, making sure the flowers don’t overlap.
Then place a second sheet over the flowers. Shut the book and leave it closed for 10 days.
Another fun and educational repurposing option is making flower paper!
Rip up any paper you would like to experiment with, saturate it in water, then blend the paper in a blender until it’s pulpy. Pour the paper pulp into a container that is big enough to fit in a mesh tray. (You can find these at a craft supply store.)
Now to complete this May flower craft, we will add our flower petals and mix them into the pulp. Use your mesh tray to scoop the pulp from the water. Be careful to cover the mesh frame with the pulp as evenly as possible.
Then smoothly dump the pulp off the frame onto a tea towel. Afterwards, use a rolling pin to press the water out of the pulp.
Let it dry overnight, and there you have it! You have your own homemade flower paper.
You can try this with different flowers and paper for different results.
If you are still needing more ideas, read “When it Ryains, the Fun Pours!”
And don’t forget about the insects that love flowers as well. Use this opportunity to teach your children about butterflies. Take a look here “The Butterfly Cycle: Make Your Own Butterfly” for a wonderful way to incorporate butterflies into your crafts.
Where would we be in spring without our lovely pollinators? The chance to combine May flower crafts with the teaching of pollination and the butterfly cycle is a wonderful one!
Spring is a season of warmth and nature coming back to life! Flower blossoms blooming and baby animals galore. We are reminded of the beauty and new life that exists around us, and our children should be aware of these beneficial happenings.
Show your children the Lord’s work first-hand and teach them all about those miracles He has created.
However you decide to teach your child, make sure you both have fun and don’t be afraid to get creative!
“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.” (Song of Songs 2:11-13)