A Simple Way to Get Your Kids Ready for a Great Year

It’s September, and most of us have already started our brand new homeschool year.
Is it too late to gear up for a great year?
It doesn’t matter if you’ve already started the school year. This activity will take a couple of hours and bear lasting results all year long. Gather your children together and envision them for the year ahead.
Sit Down Together for a Tea Party or Yummy Lunch
Make time to put together something special for you and the kids. You might even do this on a weekend and include Dad
If your children like tea parties, then get out the fancy teacups. Make finger sandwiches, cookies, and scones. You might even want to dress up and wear a hat
Or make your children’s favorite meal and sit around the table together to eat. My children loved hot dogs and macaroni and cheese (not my favorite!) when they were little. As they got older, subs or burgers would have been a hit, too
Make Name Tags for Each Child
Make little name tags for each child on unlined notecards. Use markers in cheery colors to make them beautiful. Write the child’s full name and something you appreciate about him or her on each card
After you sit down and pray, share with your family how much you love them and enjoy homeschooling them. Tell them you want this coming year to be really special. You want all of you to look back when you’re adults and have happy memories of this year.
Share Personal Highlights of the Past
Now, it’s time to focus on the positive from last year. Have everyone share their highlight or highlights from the previous homeschool year.
You might be surprised to find out what was really memorable to your children. As the children share, you might find this turning into a lively conversation.
Finally, share your own highlights and how proud you are of each child. Focus on where they have grown, acquired skills, and overcome obstacles.
“Jimmy, you hated reading, but you persevered and you became a really strong reader this year. I’m so proud of you.”
“Shine, I can’t believe how beautiful your handwriting is! So impressive!”
Talk about the Year Ahead
“I’m really looking forward to this year because we are studying the Middle Ages and that was so a cool time. We’re going to build a castle and learn to shoot a bow and arrow this year.”
“I’m really looking forward to our new writing curriculum. It breaks down everything to such simple steps. I think we will really have fun becoming better writers.”
“We’re using a history textbook that I love this year! And we’re going to do some fun things along the way. When we learn about Hawaii becoming a state, we’re going to have a luau. We’ll plan it and invite our friends.”
“This Christmas, we’re going to take a break and do a unit study for the month of December. Doesn’t that sound fun? We’ll be learning about Colonial America and how they celebrated Christmas. We’ll make our own Christmas gifts, too!”
Ask the Children What They are Looking Forward To
Let each child share what they are looking forward to in the year ahead. Again, you might be surprised to discover what really interests them. Take notes and remember to take pictures when you come to those things they are looking forward to.
Ask the Children If There is Anything They Would Love to Do This Year
You might ask what field trip they would enjoy or what book they would love to read aloud together. Give them some input into the year ahead even if it’s very little.
Pray Together
Pray together for each person and the year ahead. Be very positive in your prayers. Don’t chide anyone in your prayers. Be positive and thankful as you pray.
Start-of-the-Year Photos
If you haven’t already, take a group photo and one of each child individually. You might want them to hold a sign with their name and grade or name and year 2020/2021.
Resources to Add Fun to Your Homeschooling in the Year Ahead:
3 Ways Family Stories Impact Your Children Heart
What You Can Learn About History from Watching TV Shows
Make Creation Week Come Alive with Lapbooking
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis
Meredith Curtis, homeschooling mom, writer, speaker, and publisher, loves to encourage families in their homeschooling adventure. She is the author of Travel God’s World Geography, Travel to London Unit Study, My Creation Week Lapbook, and HIS Story of the 20th Century. You can check out her books, curricula, unit studies, and Bible studies at PowerlineProd.com. Read her blogs at PowerlineProd.com and listen to her at Finish Well Podcast.