Addicted to Righteousness

The promises in God’s Word of the benefits of being addicted to righteousness wash over me like a jubilant flood as I envision myself, my family, and my world immersed in it. Who wouldn’t? Righteousness…
Provides escape from trouble (Prov. 12:13)
Becomes a guide to his neighbors (family, friend, acquaintances, strangers) (Prov. 12:26)
Is rewarded with good (Prov. 13:21)
Provides refuge in death (Prov. 14:32)
Exalts a nation (Prov. 14:34)
Receives God’s love (Prov. 15:9)
Has God’s ear (Prov.15:29)
Opens access to God’s strong tower for safety (Prov. 18:10)
Provides blessings for children (Prov. 20:7)
Emboldens one like a lion (Prov. 28:1)
Brings joy (Prov. 10:28)
Is immovable (Prov. 10:30)
These 12 verses from Proverbs are only the beginning of multiple benefits of being addicted to righteousness. I was not unaware that it is a good thing to be righteous. After all, I had followed a wise pastor’s advice years ago and read one chapter of Proverbs daily for years, according to the date of the month. If it is the first of the month, I read chapter one, then continue the pattern every day until the end of month and start all over again.
I became familiar with the book and over time certainly benefited from its multiple words of wisdom. However, it was not until a recent, slow-paced reading of the Book of Proverbs that the central imperative of righteousness dawned on me.
It was right before Christmas. I was in Chapter 10. Righteous or righteousness began popping up more and more frequently.
“Righteousness is really cool!” I thought to myself. I never realized just how cool it was until then. Every day the list of the benefits of righteousness seemed to expand exponentially.
Goodness, joy, wealth, blessings, knowledge and so many more of the necessary elements for a life well-lived were promised in return for embracing righteousness, the right standing before and with God.
Who could resist the desire for that addiction? Not me! Furthermore, I desperately yearned for the benefits of righteousness to be an inheritance for my children and their children’s children for many generations to come. Oh, how I pray they become addicted to righteousness and qualify for its benefits.
As a home educator, I have the unprecedented opportunity to allow righteousness to be the pen that writes the story of my life with clear, bold, and discernible words and actions before my family, friends, and others whom my life touches. My addiction to righteousness is the door through which not only I but also my children can enter into the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and qualify for the benefits of righteousness enumerated in the Word. To me, being addicted to righteousness is an irresistible message that entices me to follow His ways and see and taste His goodness.
Righteousness is an addiction I never want to kick. What about you?
Educational psychologist Dr. Brenda Murphy lives out her mission to Serve All In Love by sharing her deep knowledge of the art and science of teaching through professional development, personal consultation, and mentorship. She encourages all teachers, parents, and students to experience new possibilities through her belief that they each possess undiscovered gifts and talents. Find out more about Dr. Brenda and how she helps parents like you at