Art and Artists for Everybody

Sometimes as parents we want to protect our children from the side of art that is in direct opposition to our own values, but we certainly want them to be able to express themselves through art and gain an appreciation for artists around the world. That’s where can help. Our courses are safe for everybody’s eyes, and they are chock full of fun art lessons that will inspire and hone your student’s skills. Enjoy Studio Art for Teens with Sharon Jeffus. This course provides step-by-step recognition of how to build art by looking at master works of art. More than forty lessons are available which allow students to imitate the masters and present projects that reinforce how to perform the different techniques and styles of the masters. Art Appreciation: South African Art is a course designed by Elna Venter geared toward elementary and middle school students. Eighteen lessons focus on South African artists from the 19th-21st centuries. The course begins by asking, “How do we look at art?” then goes on to explore the language and elements of art such as line, shape, mass, light, shade, space, texture, and color, as well as aspects of composition such as rhythm, focal points, and balance. Art Tips with Jan Bower is a high school course that includes short video clips which offer art tips that will help students improve at any level. These professional art tips and tricks can help get past the hurdles and roadblocks all artists face. A new, fun, and simple art tip will be posted each week by award-winning portrait artist and illustrator Jan Bower. This course is not designed to be a stand-alone art class but rather to be used as a follow up or companion to Jan’s first course on, Drawing with Realism.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine