Article Spotlight ~A Thousand Simple Kindnesses

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Article Spotlight~
*Simple gestures can make a huge impact in someone else’s life!
*Find ideas to meet the needs of others.
*Learn to listen to their needs: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual
*Everyone can offer encouragement and everyone needs some now and then.
Have you read the latest digital issue?
Click on the cover below to read the July 2013 Issue Now
Whether you’re nearly ready to start school or want a little more vacation
time, the latest issue of The Old SchoolhouseR Magazine has ideas for you!
Relax with the magazine and use it to leisurely get started on plans for your new school year. Molly Green will help you get ready with frugal advice, Deborah Wuehler will help you stay (or get back) on course, and other writers will help you make plans for teaching grammar, foreign languages, unit studies, the classics, and more! Cram some additional fun into these lazy summer days with art for Independence Day, puppets, or
simply create summer memories cooling off in the pool, riding bikes, reading
good books, or enjoying your favorite warm weather activities. As Sheila
Campbell says, “slow, down, relax, and enjoy the warmth of the season.”
Whatever the rest of the summer brings for you, head on over to TOS magazine
at <> or get the app at
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