Article Spotlight ~ The History of Celebrating Christmas in the United States – By Cathy Diez-Luckie

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Article Spotlight~
*Where did the celebration of Christmas in the United States originate from?
*View some of the symbols and customs that are popular in our time…
*Did you know that some looked down upon celebrating Christmas?
*Before the Civil War, the North favored celebrating Thanksgiving over Christmas.
*What is the significance of the poinsettia?
*Who produced the first Christmas card?
*Customs change but we can always take the time to celebrate and enjoy the love of family and friends with our own traditions borrowed from the past.
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What do you see when you look out of your window? Do you see the changing colors of autumn as leaves begin to fall from the trees? Perhaps the temperature outside is beginning to be an indication of the upcoming winter season.
It won’t be long before the holiday season is in full swing. The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine has articles to guide you through every season of your homeschool journey. The brand new November/December issue is packed with articles to help you along the way. Discover why Todd Wilson says “Real Men Do Christmas!” Concerned about blowing the budget during the holidays? Rhonda Barfield and Malia Russell are ready to help boost your budgeting confidence! In this issue, you’ll find ways to transform your homeschool and feel confident no matter what season you find yourself facing.
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