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It’s a new year! It’s time for a fresh start! Whether you make resolutions, set new goals for yourself, or simply continue on as usual, the new year is a perfect time to reflect, renew, and reassess.
The January/February issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine has articles that will help give you a jump start to a successful and memorable year. Has the gift-giving season worn you out? It’s time to relax and treat yourself to a gift that will keep on giving. Enjoy a cup of coffee while reading about the legends and history of this historical beverage or Deborah Wuehler’s editoral “What Am I Achieving Anyway?”. Find articles about organization, encouragement, budgeting, and more! Read articles by Dr. Brian Ray, Heidi St. John, Todd Wilson, Dianne Craft, and others.
Read The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine for FREE on your computer at www.TOSMagazine.com or download the FREE app to use while you are on the go at www.TOSApps.com.