At Home and At the Market

Many days during the week we find ourselves splitting our time between home and the market. splits its time there, too . . . with Economics. Free Market Economics with Savannah Liston, a homeschool graduate and economics teacher, is sharing her knowledge of economics with middle and high school students. Through video lectures and online readings, reading and writing assignments, quizzes, a midterm, and a final exam, Savannah discusses topics such as natural monopolies and time preference, the process of production, equilibrium and supply/demand, and entrepreneurs and economic growth in this 24-week course. Students can earn one-half economics credit, if all assignments and readings are completed. If essay assignments are completed along with all other assignments, this course may be counted for one full high school credit. Home Economics with Heather Leach has growth of the student, as a whole person, in mind, beginning with personal appearance and hygiene and working through topics of the student’s role in the household, managing money, hospitality, food, nutrition, and cooking. This course contains 23 lessons for elementary-aged children with printable lessons, activities, and enrichment resources.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC