Be Available for Learning

I picked up a phrase a year or so ago that I regularly include in my thoughts, my homeschooling efforts, and my advice to others:
Always be learning.
It’s short and simple because I need simple reminders I can apply to every area of my life to keep me focused on the right stuff.
I also remind myself that the foundation of learning that applies to every area of my life comes from what I receive from the Bible. Not just what I read, but what I take to heart and make myself available to receive.
So that’s the first perspective on being available for learning:
Make yourself available to receive the divine knowledge on any subject, whether it be learning about options and methods for homeschooling, getting equipped with the instruction for your next DIY project, or taking that course that will get you closer to realizing one of your dreams or goals. To make yourself available, just pray and confess that you are available to being renewed by His Word and His ways, and humbly believe His Word for every situation. There is so much power in God’s Word which I have used to get my head in the right place to wisely learn and teach.
Which moves me into another perspective of being available for learning:
Teach in the unique way that each of your children need. Of course, this is closely tied to being available to receive God’s knowledge, but the focus here is to be open to teaching in a way that may not be comfortable for you.
Something I’m very familiar with.
I’m currently contemplating how I can provide a better learning experience for my 8- and 11-year-olds, who have very different learning styles from me and from each other. Being available for their learning means I need to get some of that divine wisdom to really know how they learn best, and not lean on my own understanding.
My learning style is very reading and writing focused. My boys are not. They can write well and read effectively, but as far as I can tell at this point, neither one shows interest in excelling in these areas. However, they are showing obvious gifts in other ways that God is guiding me to bring out more in them.
You have the ability to customize and specialize. Whatever got you interested in homeschooling was a starting point. What keeps you continuing to educate your children is seeing them flourish and come into who they are through your personalized guidance. Something that is not likely to happen in any classroom setting.
It takes being open to change, being aware of how they learn and making yourself available for new experiences. And to always be learning.
One more simple reminder for lifelong learning, from Romans 12:2:
“And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”
Steph has been building businesses, mostly from home, for over 10 years, motivated by her strong determination that her two youngest boys would be educated at home. Now, she coaches entrepreneurs to start and grow their business from home. Her and her family are all comfortably nestled in the trees in Central Ontario. She loves being a home-body and building up her permaculture property. Learn more about Steph at