Being Content Right Where God Has You

As a stay-at-home mom, I know I have felt like nothing I was doing was of much significance. I have had many pity parties for myself. I have questioned God as to how I could be a witness for Him if all I do is wash dishes, do laundry, and clean toilets. It took years before I realized that my ministry was RIGHT HERE!!!! He had me just where He wanted me to be.
God had to teach me that my issues were just pride based. No one could see all the hard work it took to be a homemaker, wife, mom, and homeschool teacher. I wasn’t getting any pats on the back. As a matter of fact, I was getting the opposite of that. I was feeling unappreciated and alone, most days. I wasn’t getting applauded for my tasks, and it was taking a toll on the selfish part of me.
There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things. ~ D.L. Moody
I love what D.L. Moody says about many of us not being willing to do the little things. That was me. I didn’t want to do the mundane chores every day. I didn’t want to just be a mom and wife who cared for her home, husband and children. I wanted to have a ministry where I could make a difference in the lives of people. THEN GOD . . . Oh, those words are music to a discontented mom’s ears. God showed me that my children and my husband needed me right here, right now. They were my mission field for this season of life. It was then that I started to take this ministry seriously.
My husband needed a wife who would pray for him, stand by him, meet his needs and lift him up when he was down, so that he could do what God called him to do.
My kids needed a mom who loved them unconditionally, disciplined them out of love, and taught them the Word of God, on a daily basis. They also needed me to teach them character, as well as academics.
My home needed to be cleaned, decorated, and filled with an atmosphere of hospitality and love.
Why did I ever think these things weren’t important? Why did I think these things weren’t making a difference? The devil had me believing that my life wasn’t important in the big scheme of things, but that was a LIE!!!!
If I am not the wife and mom that God has called me to be, then how can my husband and children be who God calls them to be? They need me to be obedient to His calling, so I can help prepare them for theirs.
God calls us all to different places in our lives. We may even go through changes in different seasons of life. For example, He may have us at home while our children are young; then when they are adults, He may place us somewhere else. We need to be open and flexible to His calling. He knows what is best for each individual and family.
Spread out your petition before God, and then say, “Thy will, not mine, be done.” The sweetest lesson I have learned in God’s school is to let the Lord choose for me. ~ D.L. Moody
My name is Betty Daley. I am a wife, mother, and homeschooling teacher. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have six children. I have been homeschooling for 20 years. Our older three have graduated The Daley Academy, and we continue to homeschool our younger three. We love sharing about our homeschooling adventures. Our family motto is “Do all to the glory of God”. We pray that we can encourage others as we give you a look into our lives.
This article made so much sense to me. I realize now I am where I need to be in my life.