Benefits of Summer Reading

If academics and extracurricular activities have kept you on the go all year long, you may be ready for some time to relax with a good book. The best part of summer reading is the freedom of choice. Nothing is assigned. Summer reading means you choose the books that appeal to you. Browse through the stacks at your local library or through your Kindle, and open any book that piques your interest. As long as you enjoy what you’re reading, you reap benefits.
What kind of benefits? Research shows that students who enjoyed reading scored higher in math, reading, and problem solving. As well as, noticeable progress in vocabulary and spelling. But the improvement goes beyond what a standardized test can measure. Summer reading sparks imagination and creativity that allow students to soar beyond basic educational goals. Research shows that students who enjoyed reading fiction have increased empathy, allowing for greater compassion and understanding between family and friends. Plus, research shows reading reduces stress better than other relaxation methods such as listening to music, going for a walk, or playing a video game, making it the perfect summer activity.
Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.