Bring the Zoo Home

It is said that if little boys could have any pet in the world two of their top choices would be monkeys and elephants. Are you prepared to have a monkey swinging from the ceiling fan? Are you ready to widen the door so your elephant can get through? No? Then enjoy two animal eBook series through World Book. A World of Animals takes elementary students on an engaging adventure through the world of animals. They’ll learn how these animals are classified, what they like to eat, whether or not they are endangered, and how to care for the animals that are possible pets. There are thirty-four units that discuss alligators, beagles, clownfish, fur seals, grizzly bears, hamsters, killer whales, owls, rattlesnakes, spiders, wolves, and more. All About Animals introduces elementary students to a wide array of God’s creatures, from jaguars to butterflies. They will learn where these animals live, what they eat, and what sets them apart from other animals. Colorful text, puzzle pages, fun facts, activities, and more are included.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine