Building on Our Faith

When we establish a solid foundation for our faith, we are able to see the world in a new light. We are able to have a heart for the lost and a desire to see God glorified. Basics of the Christian Faith is a course for high school students and their parents. This course, from RightNow Media Originals, examines key questions of the Christian faith and provides more than 150 videos and 450+ study questions for important topics, such as The Real Jesus, The Truth About Salvation, The Disciplines of Abiding, Four Things Christ Accomplished on the Cross, The Help of the Holy Spirit, What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? How Does the Trinity Affect All Doctrine? Your Quiet Time Should Change You, Understanding Grace, and many more.
Through the lens of Scripture, high school students can explore issues that are prevalent in our culture today, and form Biblical responses. From Day of Discovery, the course Addressing Cultural Issues asks questions such as “How is Jesus unique?” “Has our society’s consumer culture influenced how we think of Jesus?” and “How should Christians respond to a culture that not only rejects but attacks traditional Biblical values?”
Missional Living and Discipleship is a course from RightNow Media Originals for high school students. This video-based course looks at a life on a mission—a life with purpose, direction, and meaning—and also shows us how to both be a disciple and make disciples. Through more than eighty videos and 250+ study questions, this course looks at the following topics: Gospel-Centered Is Jesus-Centered, Missional Living, Transform Your Community by Serving, Love Your Neighbors, Social Media: Useless or a Missional Tool? All About Influence, Developing Godly Habits, Who You Are Supposed to Be, Demonstrate Christ to the World, A Different Paradigm for Social Justice, It’s More than Just “Doing Life Together,” Key Principles and People for Discipleship, Realistic Expectations for the Mission Field, How Are You Called to Global Missions? and more.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine