Computers and Curiosity

Curious students can find a plethora of courses to satisfy their interests. Those who love learning about computers and programming can benefit from Computer Science/Programming with Chris Yust. The lessons are geared toward 6th-12th grade students, and parents do not have to be computer science experts themselves. Step-by-step instructions are provided for each month’s topics, such as Basic Website Design with HTML, working with Images and Videos in HTML, Minecraft Mods for Beginners, JavaScript, Writing Java Programs in Eclipse, Minecraft Mods in Java, Lego Digital Designer, and more. Plus, Chris is available to answer questions. Elementary students who are curious about nature can learn through Curious Science. Nine unit studies on the pufferfish, slime eels, dung beetles, fire ants, quicksand, and more include activities to explore language arts, math, science, art, Bible, and history. Activities for younger and older students are included as well.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC