Continuing Education for Homeschool Moms

In many professions from engineering to nursing, continuing education is a requirement to keep your license. I love to grow and learn in my homeschooling career, too.
These are some ways I have continued my education as a homeschool mom.
Quiet Times
Yes, I’m a busy mom, but not too busy to spend time with the Lord every day. I read the Bible and pray each morning before the school day starts. Often, a Scripture passage applies directly to my homeschooling or a need that arises with my children. It’s so amazing to me how the Lord makes a passage come alive and apply directly to my need.
For an example of things I learn in these precious times, read 6 Things I Learned about Parenting and Homeschooling from Jesus in Luke 8 & 9.
If you are wanting to spend some extended time (like an afternoon) with the Lord, you can read about my experience as a young mom in How One Young Mom Found Spiritual Refreshment in the Midst of Overwhelming Mommyhood.
Other Homeschool Families
I keep my eyes open when I am with other families. Are there methods of teaching or child training that would work in my home? What curriculum are they using, and how well is it working for them?
I love to hear how other moms handle a really bad day or get through a difficult situation like learning struggles or a hatred of math.
Often, other homeschool moms point me to great books or new curriculum that impact my life.
Magazines & Newsletters
Magazines and newsletters have always been a part of my homeschool journey. I need lots of encouragement!
As a young homeschool mom, I read The Teaching Home cover to cover. Now, I love reading The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. I read a variety of newsletters each week, though sometimes I just skim them from history-focused to Charlotte Mason or unit study approaches. I love to hear from ordinary moms like me who are on the same journey of educating kids at home.
A Book A Year
I decided early on that I would read one book on homeschooling each year. That has been such a blessing to me because I feel like I have met women across the world who share my love of home and children. They mentor me through their books!
For some ideas on excellent homeschooling books, read My Favorite Books on Homeschooling. These are my top favorites!
Online Workshops & Conferences
It is so exciting to me that you can attend so many amazing seminars, workshops, and conferences online. This year, I attended a special needs conference and a homeschool life skills/leadership conference in my pajamas! I got to listen to some amazing, but practical, speakers and add to my treasure chest of homeschool knowledge.
Homeschool Conventions
I’ve always loved our state convention. It’s one of the largest in the country. I’m overwhelmed by all the beautiful families, adorable babies, and unending choice of workshops to attend. The years I have attended have been a huge blessing to me, and I’ve always picked up tips that make teaching easier and more fun.
Best of all, I love to see so much curriculum in person, to browse through it all. It’s fun to meet the writers and converse with them. I often find great deals, too.
Cultivate Areas of Expertise
Over the years, I have cultivated my own personal areas of expertise. I have become a student of history and geography and often teach those subjects in a homeschool co-op. I have reread many classic works of literature and am called on to lead Book Clubs or teach classes.
If you are interested in book clubs, read Parents & Teens Choose Books Clubs Over Book Reports.
By following my heart in certain areas of study, I have exemplified a love of learning that is contagious with my own children and other moms. When moms love to learn, children love to learn!
Make Time to Process
We can live at such a hectic pace sometimes that we download information and move on without it changing our lives.
If we do not set aside time in the busyness to process what we are receiving from the conferences, books, friends, and times with God, we can’t change and grow. We just continue in the same way.
I like to take time once a month or quarter to just take a notebook and do some big-picture planning for our homeschool. I can evaluate what stays the same and what changes in the months ahead.
How will I make those changes? All at once or little by little?
As you continue to grow as a homeschool mom, make sure you don’t just download information. Make time for transformation!
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling,
Meredith Curtis
Meredith Curtis, homeschooling mom, writer, speaker, and publisher, loves to encourage families in their homeschooling adventure. She is the author of Joyful and Successful Homeschooling, Economics, Finances, and Business 1-credit high school course, American Literature & Research 1-credit high school course, and HIS Story of the 20th Century. You can check out her books, curricula, unit studies, and Bible studies at, read her blog at, and listen to her at Finish Well Podcast.