Creation, Chemistry, and Creatures

We live in an amazing world! There is a never-ending supply of topics to explore. One of the largest subject areas on—Science—is also a favorite of our teachers, which is evidenced by the types of courses we offer. Creation, Nature, and You is a video-based supplement to an elementary science class. Students will take a closer look at seeds, soil, trees, fruit, and the wilderness in these eleven video specials. Worksheets are provided to gauge comprehension. Chemistry Help is a course for middle and high school students led by Matthew Poston. Thirty-six short instructional videos, printable worksheets, printable answer keys, and video explanations of the answers are designed to help expand on topics typically studied in high school chemistry such as scientific notation, mass and weight, conversions, significant digits, covalent compounds, ions, polyatomic ions, ionic compounds, energy, states of matter, specific heat, and latent heat. It is not designed to serve as a stand-alone class but rather an in-depth tutorial for extra help and practice in key areas of chemistry. For additional reinforcement of chemistry topics, enjoy Chemistry: All Things Matter with Anna Crisostomo. Through this twelve-week course, middle school students will learn about the important fact that all things are made of matter; discover how matter exists and changes; determine the states of matter, the physical reactions matter goes through, and how different types of matter combine (or do not combine) in everyday life. Vocabulary, reviews, and an exam are included, along with experiments which should be overseen by a parent.
One of the things that shows God’s creativity most is the creatures that roam the earth. Biology with Ruth Sundeen will explore some of these. Weekly lessons for middle and high school students include hands-on activities, guidance on how to use microscopes, easy labs, quizzes, and much more. Biology is a full-year course that discusses Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Animalia, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, cellular respiration and reproduction, evolution/creation, and dissections with color photographs. Elementary students will enjoy Bug Science with Rosemarie Pagano. This is a fourteen-lesson course that discusses the biology of worms and their role in the environment. Students will learn about good and bad worms, vermicomposting, tapeworms, flukes, leeches, entomophagy, and more.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine