Discover Your World

We have been given a wonderful opportunity throughout history to learn about and study our world. Scientists have been born who asked questions and invented tools to increase our knowledge. The beauty of these discoveries is that they all point to an awesome Creator. Earth Science with Dr. Roger W. Sanders is designed to introduce students in grades 7-9 to the study of the structure and the processes of our world. Each of the 25 lessons consists of three different types of activities: video lessons to watch, notes for the student to fill out as he/she watches the video lesson, and a study guide to complete to help the student study for the quiz. Students can study volcanoes, earthquakes, dinosaurs and fossils, biology, geology, physics, climate and the weather, telescopes, and more. Daily Discoveries with Yvonne Blake is an elective science study for elementary students with an interest in topics such as pond life, the seashore, the forest, and more. Each week of lessons contains material to read, vocabulary exercises, math, writing prompts, and a fun activity.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine