Faith Goals: Reading the Bible in a Year

As a kid and even in my teenage years, I always wanted to read the whole Bible, but when people talked about it (which was few and far between), it seemed like such a daunting task. Frankly, I did not think I was a “good enough” Christian to be able to read the whole Bible, let alone in a year, and yet to understand it. Mind you, I was raised in the church with the King James Version of the Bible, and it was very difficult to discern sometimes. Not till I was a teenager did I receive a NIV (New International Version) Teen Study Bible, which began to open up the word of God to me more.
Well four kids later and a few years, reading the Bible was the last thing on my mind as I was too busy to sit and read. Reading alone or even completing an audiobook is filled with interruptions of children. So, my faith goal of reading the Bible in a year was on the back burner and had been, with no thought.
Then, in walks March 2020. I just had my fourth baby (and he is such a joy), and all the crazy let loose with COVID. Now my family has been blessed and not much affected by the happening of the pandemic. My husband is still working and the biggest change for my kiddos and me was the library being shut down for a period of time. But the biggest change which happened will have an impact on my life forever, a podcast.
This past year I began listening to podcasts more. They are mostly shorter and allow me to listen to things of interest and stay up-to-date on other topics. Without being dedicated to a book, which is usually several hours long, most podcasts are short snippets lasting 20-30 minutes, and being a mom of a tiny crew, 20-30 minutes can be extremely refreshing and is much more manageable.
This June, I tuned into a new podcast episode from JourneyWomen (Episode 123. Grounding Ourselves in God’s Word). I do not even recall exactly why I decided to listen to this particular episode (but God) or even how I came across it (but God). But this episode has changed my faith walk in a gigantic (there isn’t a big enough word to explain the magnitude) way.
So, I’m outside with my kiddos on a beautiful summer day in June listening to JourneyWomen, and I am brought to tears. All the emotions come rolling out. God led me to this simple episode of a podcast, and that back-burner idea of reading the Bible in a year, bam it’s happening. During the podcast, the interview takes place with Tara-Leigh Cobble, a person whom I had not heard of till that day. Tara-Leigh explains about her amazing bible study for reading the Bible in a year and the Bible Re-cap a podcast to accompany the daily bible reading. (To hear all the whole episode check out the podcast:
I immediately open up the Bible app in which the Bible study for reading the Bible in a year is contained ( and search for the Bible Recap and do the same on my Podcast app (
The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble has been the most soul-filling thing for me. Not only am I able to work on one of my faith goals, but I am being filled with so much good during such a negative time in the world.
God led me to this podcast and “reading” (I actually have the app read to me, usually while I’m washing dishes for the 100th time.) the Bible in a year, just when I needed it the most.
What I absolutely love (besides I’m reading the Bible daily) is the Bible study and Recap take about a whole 20 minutes a day, which is extremely doable for even the busiest of us. Some days, I get hyped up on the Word and keep listening and reading. Having the recap helps me so much, as the Bible can be difficult to understand. Tara-Leigh helps guide you through it and bring it all together. Oh, and it’s a chronological study, which is helping me make connections.
I’m well over a month in, and everyday God fills me with so much hope and love to seek His Word. The study officially starts at the beginning of each year, but you can start any time, no need to catch up, as you are right on track where God wants you to be with listening.
I pray this gives you encouragement to “read” the whole Bible and build your faith walk with the Lord. It sure has inspired me to help inspire others. As the saying goes, you are what you eat, and I want to “eat” the word and let it resonate in me for all to see.
Abi (a little bit crazy) Frazee, is a sort of newish, homeschooling momma with three little crazy Frazees. Abi, her husband, Justin & kiddos reside in the mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and enjoy spontaneous field trips. Abi has a BA in Early Childhood Education, a MS in Special Education, and is a Certified Labor Doula; she uses her education, with past and present experiences to cultivate a love of learning & sharing. Love, Learn, Have Faith, Smile (& drink coffee!)