Family Prayer Time

Do you have a time in your home when you do family devotions and pray together? When my first three were little, we didn’t find this important, but thankfully God changed our hearts, and we sit down for family devotions at least five times a week now. Coming together to read God’s Word and pray as a family makes us feel closer. We enjoy singing a few worship songs after prayer, and by the end of devotions, we are ready for a peaceful night of restful sleep.
It is vital to the atmosphere of our homes that we pray as a family. We need to pray for protection, guidance, and courage. Satan does not want families to flourish. He does not want us gathering to pray. There is strength in the family unit, and he wants nothing more than to destroy it anyway he can. Let’s battle together! I am reminded of the verse in Matthew, For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. ~ Matthew 18:20
The family unit needs to have unity. As you are training your children, they need to understand how important it is to love one another, especially their siblings. I know everyone says it is normal for siblings to fight all the time, but it really isn’t. I am not saying there won’t be disagreements here and there, but they need to resolve them in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. The only way for them to learn this behavior is to be taught by us, their parents. If they see us squabbling all the time, they will think that behavior is okay, and they will follow our patterns. When we disagree, we need to stop and pray and ask God to help us to be quick to listen, slow to anger, and quick to forgive! We don’t need to fight like cats and dogs, and demand our way.
When you see your children modeling a behavior that is not right, we need to take a long, hard look in the mirror and be sure we are not exampling this behavior for them to learn. Our children are like little sponges. They absorb everything they see and hear. Be sure you are sending out the right morals and attitudes for them to soak up.
Today, make it a priority to set some time aside to pray as a family. Go around the room and give each person time to share prayer requests. Make sure that you pray for our country and our leaders. Allow each person a chance to pray aloud if they feel comfortable to do so. In our family, I start our time of prayer, and when the children are finished, my husband ends our prayer time. Let your kids know that praying is just them talking with God. There is no right or wrong way to pray. They just need to speak from their hearts. I promise that praying together will be a blessing and could change the entire atmosphere of your home.
My name is Betty Daley. I am a wife, mother, and homeschooling teacher. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have six children. I have been homeschooling for 20 years. Our older three have graduated The Daley Academy, and we continue to homeschool our younger three. We love sharing about our homeschooling adventures. Our family motto is “Do all to the glory of God”. We pray that we can encourage others as we give you a look into our lives.