Fitting Homeschooling into Your Schedule

One of the most well-known advantages of homeschooling is the flexibility. Most laws do not require homeschooling to be done in a certain time or day. If trying to squeeze all your work into the first part of the day is stressing you out, make a change! There are various ways you can get creative to fit homeschooling into your family’s schedule.
There are endless ways to make the flexibility of homeschooling work for your life. Your class hours can occur during the day, evening, or a little of both. You can also try different days of the week. Try your schedule with four, five, or even six days of the week. You can homeschool on weekdays and weekends. You might even have some days that you can do more hours than others; that’s okay. Experiment to make your schedule work for you.
Many people that have discontinued teaching their children at home have done so because they got overwhelmed. Don’t let stress overtake your life! There are multiple ways to teach your children, including unit studies. Unit studies are learning about a subject from many different aspects. I’ve found this can be very useful around different holidays. Co-ops are another great stress-free way to homeschool. You can take turns with other parents teaching small groups of children for different subjects. Also, if you’re at a point in your life that you spend a lot of time on the go, try some activities you can do in the car.
More than anything, get creative! There are a multitude of ways for children to learn besides textbooks and worksheets. Our students learn more than we think through everyday activities and play. Take advantage of different opportunities including education videos, field trips, and community events. Choose subjects that fit your current lifestyle. If it’s time to plant your garden or winterize your home, these are great opportunities to have unit studies. Check your state’s laws to make sure you’re meeting your requirements, but test out different ways to homeschool so it fits your lifestyle. Learn to be flexible, don’t stress, and get creative!
Jenna Holder is a SAHM of four littles, two of which are homeschooled. She’s a devoted wife and christian. She spends her time, reading, writing and being an active member of her church. Follow along with her chaotic life at for encouragement on experiencing the peace of God.