Football, Film & Friends

Though the football season is winding down, students can continue to enjoy the sport, albeit in a slightly different way. Economics with Mike Sims discusses the function of economics in various sectors of society by exploring Football Economics, Chocolate Economics, Pirate Economics, Gamma Ray Economics, and more. Students in middle and high school can also learn about twelve prominent economists throughout history and study whether governments should intervene in markets or not. Reading assignments, videos, research projects, PowerPoint presentations, news stories, review questions, and self-tests are all included in this course. Students who successfully complete of all twelve units can earn one academic credit.
Students who enjoy film more than football can take that pastime to a new level with our Filmmaking course. Taught by George Escobar, Advent Film Group’s cofounder, middle and high school students receive detailed instruction (in the form of video) on such topics as Discovering God’s Stories, Basic Story Structure, Screenplay Format, Choosing a Camera, Principles of Composition, Lighting, Audio Recording, Color Theory, Post-Production, Distribution Methods, Forming an LLC, Micro-Budget to No-Budget Filmmaking, Learning Your Craft, various careers within the film industry, Planning Your Education and Career, and much more. If students complete all assignments in this 35-week course, a full academic credit can be earned.
Whether football of film, who doesn’t enjoy hanging out with friends? Okay, so maybe I’m stretching a bit on this one, but Friendly Chemistry with Joey Hajda will help high school students enjoy chemistry. This course helps to build a solid foundation for more advanced chemistry classes. Through enjoyable (and safe) experiments using items found in your house, instead of dangerous chemicals, students will learn about elements, atoms, electrons, ions, charges on ions, and quantum mechanics. If all twelve lessons, including activities, labs, worksheet pages, and tests are completed, high school students can earn the equivalent of one-half credit of science course. Because chemistry is presented in a way that is not hard or intimidating, students may feel like chemistry is more like a friend than an enemy.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine