For the Brokenhearted

I can still remember the feeling. The hopelessness of it all. How I felt almost frozen. I was inadequate, ill prepared, and just a bit angry. I didn’t know what to do or how to act. My first response was to put myself to bed; I wanted to hide underneath my covers and sleep until it all went away.
There is a brief trial in my life I don’t talk about publicly. It isn’t my story to tell… but I was the one there to pick up the pieces and try to glue them back together again. I had to be strong when I didn’t think I could even lift my head.
And then I still had my little family to care for. Meals had to be prepared. These people needed clean socks and whatnot. And homeschooling! How could I even manage that when I felt so tied up in knots and strings and despair?
Eventually, the sun came out again; it was if the dark cloud threatening us had been a thing of dark nightmares… not our stark reality. Truthfully, I don’t think some scars ever truly leave us. They might not be red, open wounds, but they are still tender and sting from time to time.
Suffering is part of the human condition. I learned firsthand even the most dedicated Christian is not immune to pain. But I also know if it weren’t for His tender mercies, I could not even stand upright.
Maybe at this very minute you are walking through a valley. It is all you can do to perform the basic functions of life. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel; all you feel is heaviness. And homeschooling? Maybe you have enough strength to go through the motions, but most likely you feel like you can’t keep up. Your head and your heart just aren’t in the game.
My dear ones, there is grace available to you. Grace for your mornings, for your evenings, and for all the hours in between. This is the time to hold your babies close. It might not be possible for you to hit all of your academic marks, but we all know relationships are more important. If you feel you can, snuggle together and read books that soothe the soul. Listen to your favorite praise and worship music. Let God go about HIS business of restoration and healing; He is more than able to carry all your troubles for you. If hot buttered toast and an apple is all you can manage for breakfast, then you fix hot buttered toast and an apple. There will be time enough soon for the special treats and wholesome, home-cooked meals that usually come from your kitchen.
Please know you are not alone in this walk; you have sisters and brothers who will stand with you in faith. I can’t emphasis the importance of hiding God’s Word in your heart enough. There have been times in my life that all I could utter were bits of Scripture I have tucked in my heart and soul through the years.
Below is my favorite list of Scriptures to hold onto when times are tough. I stick them on the bathroom mirror, carry them around with me in my purse, and use them as bookmarks in math textbooks. Just this past weekend, my husband (who is a pastor) challenged our congregation to learn a new passage of Scripture, so I am adding that verse (Psalm 126:5) to my list of favorites. You can look up the verses below and underline them in your Bible, or create your own note cards. I took some of the hard work away and created Scripture cards you print out and laminate over on my blog, There Will Be a $5 Charge For Whining.
For now, know you are loved, and He works ALL things together…
Psalm 126:5
Psalm 30:11
Psalm 147:3
John 16:33
Psalm 46:1-3, 7
Psalm 16:8
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 91:4
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 43:2
Luke 12:6-7
Rebekah Teague is the homeschooling mama to one busy and beautiful boy. She is married to The Muffin who is a pastor and a really great guy. In her spare time she can be found with a book and a cup of tea. She blogs at There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining
Thank you for sharing and putting into word what we sometimes cannot. May God continue to bless you mighty.