Fun Homeschool Lessons to Learn About President’s Day

When planning President’s Day homeschool lessons, remember that there are many different directions you can take. President’s Day is celebrated the third Monday in February in honor of our first president, George Washington (born on February 22, 1732). Though the holiday originally was celebrated on Washington’s birthday, it was later moved to be celebrated on a Monday to give workers more three-day weekends. The name was then changed from George Washington Day to President’s Day (although some states still call it George Washington Day or Washington’s Birthday). This change made way for Abraham Lincoln (born on February 12, 1809) to be remembered and eventually to allow for the office of presidency to be celebrated, not simply one person.
You may choose to pick one president to study and allow your children to dig deep into their life and contributions to America. You might be interested in having your children work on copywork of quotes from Abraham Lincoln’s A House Divided speech. Maybe you just want to snuggle on the couch with your children reading classic stories about George Washington. You might even want to work on President’s Day themed writing prompts with older students or have them work on a report of presidential achievements of a president of your child’s choosing. This is also the perfect time to introduce art into your child’s homeschool if you want to expose them to different pieces of historical art such as Washington Crossing the Delaware. Be sure to check out these President’s Day resources for your homeschool!