Go for the Gold

Watching the Olympics this year set a blaze, which ignited the following thoughts in me. As much as we aspire for our children to “aim high,” the majority of our children will not be in the Olympics, play for a major league baseball team, write a best-selling novel, or star in a Broadway play. Yet, inspired by these dreams, hopes, and sometimes fantasies, our “hopefuls” sometimes put as much time into their activities as our Olympic inspirations do. As I watched and listened, in awe, to the hours of time an athlete spends in the gym or on the ice, I started to think about the equally committed yet under-celebrated students and families out there.
To the students who commit many hours a week to their theater productions, piano practice, and sports just for the love of the activity and the lesson in diligence . . . here is your Gold Medal! For those students who find classes difficult yet they work through them anyway . . . Gold Medal! For the moms who spend more hours in a day and night being everything to everyone . . . GOLD MEDAL! To the dads inhaling coffee to make it through another meeting, who return home to their wives and families, everyone benefiting from their commitment and labor . . . Gold Medal! For the children of God who have devoted themselves to serving HIM by serving others . . . GOLD MEDAL!
Every two years we celebrate the best of the best in the fields of athletics. We rejoice in their victories, and we cry with them in defeats. God calls each of us to become the best version of ourselves that we can be. HE reminds us that those who are not “against us” are “for us” even if we go about things from different paths. Perhaps we do this already, but perhaps it is something that we need to recommit ourselves to doing. Let us join together like our nation does every couple years to celebrate the daily victories and defeats of everyone we come across. Pass out some “Gold Medals” and some understanding hugs. By honoring each other, we honor our Creator. By celebrating the unique lives and talents with which our Heavenly Father has blessed His children, we in turn praise HIM—to whom belongs the Goldest Medal of all!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the fabulous and unique people whom you have created. Some are “eyes,” some are “ears,” some are “feet,” but together we make up your “Church.” Thank you for the world you created for us and for our diversity. Help us to reunite as your “Team” under Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, A-men.
In case you don’t know me, my name is Mrs. G.. I founded Building Brilliant Minds Online in 2009. I have authored several courses in Architecture, Biblical Fine Arts, Photography and Dance. www.buildingbrilliantmindsonline.com. My beginning courses may also be accessed for FREE with a www.schoolhouseteachers.com membership.
Absolutely LOVE this. Thank you, Mrs G! I needed this today!