Gotta Love It

Love means lots of different things to different people. For some, it’s the feeling between a boyfriend and girlfriend. For married couples, it’s usually something much more serious. When people share wedding vows, they promise to be together forever, “till death do us part,” in the good and the bad, no matter what. For some people, “love” just means that you like something a lot like “I love pizza” or “I love Mexican food.” Biblical love is sacrificial and means putting others before yourself. Jesus modeled this love in His life, ministry, and sacrifice on the cross. The Bible tells us that husbands should love their wives the way that Christ loves the Church. That means husbands should be willing to do whatever they need to for their wives, to encourage them to grow in their faith, and even to die, if necessary.
What about when a student says he loves a class? Did you love any or all of your classes? Are there any classes that your kids love? What types of classes do kids love? Different students will answer this question in different ways. Some love gym class because they get to be active and play sports. Some love art or music class because they enjoy those things and are often good at them. Some people love classes because of the teacher, the class format, or just that they’re learning something that they either enjoy or find useful.
One thing that I’ve learned by working with teenagers over the years is that they like to learn about each other and about me. They like to hear stories about what’s going on in each other’s lives and in mine. This is one of the reasons why I created a Spanish 2 class with the goal of learning about each other and sharing personal information rather than a class where students learn a bunch of words, phrases, and grammar rules. We learn about each other’s morning routines, chores, vacation preferences, accidents, and favorite toys, pets, and holidays. One of the main purposes of language is communicating so I wanted to create a class where students get a chance to communicate and learn about each other.
I’ve been given permission to create a Spanish 3 class. Before I do, however, I want to know what parents and their kids look for in online classes. I want to create a class that students will enjoy and something that will benefit them in their future lives whether that be college, military, parenting, or another job. School is about preparing students for their future. I want to be the type of teacher that models appropriate behavior, living my life according to the Bible and being a light to those around me. I want my class to be useful, as well. I want my students to advance in their understanding and use of Spanish.
Usually at least once per year, I ask my students what type of activities they find most enjoyable and useful. Other than “more free days,” I try to include the activities that they mention in my class. Not surprisingly, they like activities where they get to talk and interact with each other, like group work. I would like to know the same about homeschool students interested in Spanish 3. What type of activities do you find most helpful or enjoyable? What online activities help you learn the best? What can I do as a teacher to help to grow in your understanding and mastery of Spanish? What are topics that you would like to learn that you haven’t covered in previous Spanish classes?
Jesus says, “If you love me, keep my commandments” in John 14:15. In Luke 6:46, Jesus asks, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do what I say?” Our love for God should be evident in our lives, in the things that we say and do. Psalm 119:127 says, “I love your commandments more than gold.” Our love for God should far exceed our love for anyone and anything else. When it comes to choosing between family, work, school, sports, and God, we should always choose God. We run the risk of committing idolatry when we love someone or something more than God. He should be and deserves to be first in our lives. He sent His Son to die for our sins and through Him, made a way for us to be with Him in heaven someday. He showed how much He loves us through Jesus. As Christians, we need to show our love for Him. How? We show our love for God by obeying His commandments and living our lives for Him.
Dan Hildebrand
Spanish teacher –