Grab a Pencil and Some Paper

Learning how to write and then being able to use those words correctly are vital skills that allow us to communicate efficiently and succeed in life . . . no matter what path you choose. Preschoolers and kindergarten students can explore foundational skills of handwriting in Beginning Handwriting. Taught by Annette Breedlove, each of the twenty-seven weeks includes three printable lessons that cover topics such as pencil grip, prewriting skills, letter formation, and tips and tricks for remembering which letter is which. As the words begin to make more sense, students can learn how to use them properly, according to their grade level. Beginning with Daily Grammar 1st grade, students will discuss punctuation, word choice, parts of speech, and more. We also have Daily Grammar 3rd-4th grade, Daily Grammar 5th grade, Daily Grammar 6th-7th grade, Daily Grammar 7th-8th grade, and Daily Grammar 9th grade. In the upper grades, students work with one sentence for an entire week. They identify the parts of speech and see how those parts function within the sentence, identify clauses and sentence type, review capitalization and punctuation, and close out the week by diagramming the sentence. Everyday Copywork is a class for students in elementary through middle school that provides penmanship practice, in both print and cursive. Students copy Bible portions, excerpts of literature, and much more. Moving into middle school and high school, students can develop their writing skills with Classics-Based Writing with Janice Campbell. Here, classical pieces enable students to gain greater appreciation for classical literature, and they are taught to recognize excellent writing and understand various literary terms and techniques. They can expand their vocabulary and make regular use of reference tools. They have the opportunity to read deeply, copy the styles and techniques, and then transform their own writing. Creative Writing with Carrie Daws is a series of twenty-four lessons that teach middle and high school students about fiction writing, including character and scene development, writing dialogue, fiction guidelines, and what it takes to get published. Last but not least, Essay Writing 101 with Karen Robuck begins with a look at the writing process and then continues with a study of common essay forms including expository, biographical, descriptive, personal experience, eyewitness report, and cause and effect. She looks at the purpose and elements of each and provides rubrics for evaluation.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine