Great Imaginations

Whether it’s a classic book of the western world or a thoughtful and creative response to a daily writing prompt, great imaginations are at work. In Great Books with Dr. Hake, Part Two, high school students are taught by Steven Hake, the Chair of the Department of Classical Liberal Arts and Director of the Literature major at Patrick Henry College, about the great authors and their unique contributions to western culture. Using Great Books of the Western World (a fifty-four volume set published by Britannica), students are given discussion questions in the form of weekly written assignments, along with one-page journal entries, two short papers, and at the conclusion of the course, a longer paper. Daily Writing with Sharon Watson gives students an opportunity to use their imagination and creativity as they respond to daily writing prompts. All students in elementary through high school can benefit from this course.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
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